CDC Monthly Respiratory disease and Influenza Bulletin for Year 2020

Year 2020-December

The influenza positivity rate in December 2020 is lower than November (0.0% vs 3.2%). There were not find positive influenza viruses from Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARI), The Influenza-like illness (ILI), Febrile Syndromic Surveillance (FSS). All 339 samples were also tested for SARS-Cov2 RT-PCR with no positive cases identified.

Year 2020-November

The influenza positivity rate in November 2020 is lower than October (3.2% vs 30.3%). Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARI) found that the positive influenza rate 6(3.9%). The positive rate of Influenza detected by influenza-like illness (ILI) was 1(1%). Febrile Syndromic Surveillance (FSS) identified 4(5.6%) positive and influenzalike illness (AISS) was 0(0%). Influenza subtypes 11 were A/H3N2. All 339 samples were also tested for SARSCov2 RT-PCR with no positive cases identified.

Year 2020-October

The influenza positivity rate in October 2020 is lower than September (30.3% vs 22.3%). Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARI) found that the positive influenza rate 33(16.8%). The positive rate of Influenza detected by influenza-like illness (ILI) was 25(35.2%). Febrile Syndromic Surveillance (FSS) identified 21(22.3%) positive and influenzalike illness (AISS) was 5(33.3%). Influenza subtypes 84 were A/H3N2. All 376 samples were also tested for SARSCov2 RT-PCR with no positive cases identified.

Year 2020-September

The influenza positivity rate in September 2020 is higher than previous months. Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARI) found that the positive influenza rate 32(26.2%). The positive rate of Influenza detected by influenzalike illness (ILI) was 18(22.2%). Febrile Syndromic Surveillance (FSS) identified 32(40.5%) positive influenza A/H3N2. and Influenza detected by influenza-like illness (AISS) was 7(53.8%). Influenza subtypes 96 were A/H3N2. All 294 samples were also tested for SARS-Cov2 RT-PCR with no positive cases identified.

Year 2020-August

The influenza positivity rate in August 2020 is higher than previous months. Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARI) found that the positive influenza rate 31(23.7%). The positive rate of Influenza detected by influenzalike illness (ILI) was 15(23.1%). Febrile Syndromic Surveillance (FSS) identified 42(40.4%) positive influenza A/H3N2. and Influenza detected by influenza-like illness (AISS) was 8(66.7%). Influenza subtypes 96 were A/H3N2. All 298 samples were also tested for SARS-Cov2 RT-PCR with no positive cases identified.

Year 2020-July

The influenza positivity rate in July 2020 is higher than previous months. Influenza subtypes 42 were A/H2N3. Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARI) found that the positive influenza rate 10(5.9%). The positive rate of Influenza detected by influenza-like illness (ILI) was 3(2.9%). Febrile Syndromic Surveillance (FSS) identified 24 (18.8%) positive influenza A/H3N2. and Influenza detected by influenza-like illness (AISS) was 4(36.4%). Influenza subtypes 41 were A/H3N2. All 396 samples were also tested for SARSCov2 RT-PCR with no positive cases identified.

Year 2020-June

The influenza positivity rate in June 2020 is higher than previous months. Influenza subtypes 2 were A/H2N3. Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARI) found that the positive influenza rate 2(3.51%), and no positive Influenza detected by influenza-like illness by (AISS), Febrile Syndromic Surveillance (FSS) identified 0 (0%) positive influenza A/H3N2. Influenza subtypes 2 were A/H3N2. All 277 samples were also tested for SARS-Cov2 RT-PCR with no positive cases identified.

Year 2020-May

In May, 2020. did not identify any positive influenza case. included Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARI), influenza-like illness (ILI), Febrile Syndromic Surveillance, and influenza-like illness surveillance (AISS). All 304 samples were also tested for SARS-Cov2 RT-PCR with no positive cases identified.

Year 2020-April

The influenza positivity rate in April 2020 is lower than previous months. Influenza subtypes 1 were A/H2N3 and not found A/H1N1pdm. Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARI) influenza-like illness (ILI) found that the no samples positive influenza. Febrile Syndromic Surveillance (FSS) identified 2 (2.1%) positive influenza A/H3N2. Influenza subtypes 3 were A/H3N2. All 402 samples were also tested for SARS-Cov2 RT-PCR with no positive cases identified.

Year 2020-March

The influenza positivity rate in March 2020 is lower than previous months. Influenza subtypes 27 were A/H2N3 and 1 was A/H1N1pdm. Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARI) found that the positive influenza rate 5(6.8%). Similarly, the positive rate of Influenza detected by influenza-like illness (ILI) was 9(10.2%). Febrile Syndromic Surveillance (FSS) identified 13 (9.5%) positive influenza A/H3N2. Influenza subtypes 26 were A/H1N1pdm and 1 were A/H3N2. All 305 samples were also tested for SARS-Cov2 RT-PCR with no positive cases identified.

Year 2020-February

The influenza positivity rate in February 2020 is lower than previous months. Influenza subtypes 14 were A/H2N3 and 30 were A/H1N1pdm. Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARI) found that the positive influenza rate (5.61%) was slightly higher than that of January (4.26%). There were seven cases of Influenza A/H3N2. Similarly, the positive rate of Influenza detected by influenza-like illness (ILI) screening was 22.7% higher than in January and before 2019 (9.5%). Influenza subtypes 16 were A/H1N1pdm and 6 were A/H3N2.

Year 2020-January

The influenza positivity rate in February 2020 is lower than previous months. Influenza subtypes 14 were A/H2N3 and 30 were A/H1N1pdm. Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARI) found that the positive influenza rate (5.61%) was slightly higher than that of January (4.26%). There were seven cases of Influenza A/H3N2. Similarly, the positive rate of Influenza detected by influenza-like illness (ILI) screening was 22.7% higher than in January and before 2019 (9.5%). Influenza subtypes 16 were A/H1N1pdm and 6 were A/H3N2.