

Profile of Respondents

Among the 3,600 respondents 95% (n=3,424) were female and 5% (n=176) were male. The majority of the HHs respondents were young: 68 % of them being between 18 to 30 years old. 26% of respondents spoke another language other than Khmer. Among the survey respondents 32% were illiterate. Significantly higher proportion (69%) of illiterate respondents was reported in Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri (46%). Majority (75%) of respondents were farmers.


 Age, Sex and Poverty status of household members

In the 3, 600 households there were 18,404 total populations. The average family size was 5.1. The proportion of male and female was found equal among the survey population. Under 5 years population constituted 24% and children under 12 years of age accounted for 41% in the total populations. Overall, 52% of population was married, 45% were single, 3% was widowed/widower and 1% had divorced.

Of the 3,600 HHs interviewed, 804 household (22%) were officially designated as poor and 78% were non poor based on their ID card.

Education Status

The overall level of literacy in survey area was low (49%) compared to CDHS 2010 (77%). Highest percentage of illiterate population was found in Ratanakiri (72%), 58% in Steung Treng and 57% in Mondulkiri. Majority of the educated had just completed primary education (38%), with 12% completed secondary school and 3% with high school level.


Main occupation of HHs members (above 16 yrs of age)

About 35 different job options were mentioned by the respondents in 10 provinces. Majority of the respondents were farmers (40%). Other major jobs were: paid labourer and seller, housewife, home maker, fishing, teacher, private business employee, government employee, village chief etc. 8% had no job.

Distance of Household (HHs) residence to the International Border

More than half (57%) of the sampled households were within 9 Km from the nearest international boarder (Vietnam & Lao PDR). Among them 41% were even within less than 5 Km from the border. 71% of the households were in less than 15 Km and other 19% were in more than 20 Km from the border.

Housing and Assets Owned

96% of HHs owned their own house; almost the same percentage to all provinces. Most of the houses had some form of “permanent” roof, with the majority (75%) using zinc or GI sheeting. More expensive forms of roofing such as brick/tiles or asbestos were less commonly observed (16%), and 8% of all HHs still use a “traditional” roof made from local materials such as thatch, straw or bamboo.

Antenatal care (ANC) services

Women form 15- 49 years who received recommended 4 times ANC check-up was 52% which is slightly lower than the CDHS 2010. 52% of women had received ANC services four times during their last pregnancy, and 12% said they did not receive any ANC services in their last pregnancy. CDHS 2010 shows 59% of pregnant women had received recommended 4 or more an antenatal care services.

Child Delivery

61% of births occurred in health facilities, 50% in the public sector, 6% in private hospital/clinic and another 5% in hospitals outside Cambodia (mainly in Vietnam). Another 34% took place at home and 6% assisted by TBA.

CDHS 2010 shows that 54% of births in Cambodia occurred in health facilities, 44% in the public sector, and 10% in private sectors. Another 45% took place at home.

The survey shows that 64% births are assisted by skilled providers and 34% by TBAs. 67% couples had 1-2 children, 24% had 3-4 children, 6% had 5-6 children and another 2% had 7 or more children.

CDHS 2010 shows that 71% births are assisted by a skilled provider. Another 28% are assisted by a traditional birth attendant. Download