- Details
- Category: HSP Project management
- Published: 04 July 2017
- Last Updated: 04 July 2017
- Hits: 18278
Most of the project specific activities at both PMU and PIU levels should be planned through participatory methods, except those that are fixed during project design and loan and grant negotiations. Consultation should be conducted with relevant agencies, not only in MOHs or PHDs but also other ministries and partners engaged in similar activities, as required. As GMS Health Security Project has a regional focus, PMUs and PIUs are encouraged to share project specific workplans. Annual planning workshops at provincial and national levels for these activities are provided in the project design. Directors PMU and PIU can adjust the budget for activities in case the planned amount does not exceed 10% of the planned budget for activities under their authority.
Under output 2, strengthened national disease surveillance and outbreak response, the project will support an emergency fund at both national and provincial levels, managed by PMUs and PIUs. Key activities financed by this budget line include “immediate response to investigate an outbreak and confirm a plan of action if the investigation is confirmed and to allow staff to take immediate action to prevent or minimize the spread of the outbreak”. Because these kinds of activities cannot be planned in advance, it requires a more flexible spending mechanism. In addition, the national level will also be able to respond to outbreak investigation and response in other provinces that are not included in the GMS Health Security Project.
The GMS Health Security Regional Steering Committee (RSC) is advisory in nature and will give guidance in project implementation, policy dialogue, and the building of regional capacity and cooperation for CDC, and information exchanges on communicable diseases between countries. The RSC will meet every year or more often as needed, with the hosting rotated among the four countries. It will be chaired by the minister or vice-minister of the host country and will consist of representative of MOH of the CLMV countries, ADB and WHO. Representatives from other GMS countries and partners are invited as "observers".
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