Standardized physical progress
The physical progress of CDC2 grows up to 87.01% against elapsed time of 88% and CDC2 AF grows to 30.08% against elapsed time of 50%.
Progress by Outputs
- Functional MOH focal points and capacity for regional cooperation in CD.
The national focal points have cohesively cooperation and collaboration with other sectors and neighbouring countries as well as with other development partners to improve coordination, mechanism, funding, sharing information…etc. among each other. On 7-8 September 2016, IHR focal point participated a seminar in Sweden on Joint ECDC and ASEF.
In Q3 2016, several CD information has been released in project webpage/CDC website; monitoring and supervision activities of MOH minister and other top official are reported and uploaded. CDC messages have been verified before posting in the website through technical consultation with WHO.
- Regional cooperation and knowledge management.
In quarter 3, 2016, Cambodia participated and hosted 2 regional activities:
Cambodia participated Cross-border meeting on 16-17 August 2016 in Champasak Lao PDR, to strengthening surveillance and response system to response emerging infectious disease outbreak including malaria, of the two countries along the border.
Cambodia hosted the regional workshop to finalize SOP for joint outbreak investigation and response, conducted in Siem Reap on 22-23 September 2016.
CDC website announces 9 messages/activities to the public in this quarter sharing information, knowledge and awareness, CDC activities as well as other collaboration meeting related to CDC.
- Targeted provinces in full compliance with IHR 2005/APSED 2011- 2015
Joint External Evaluation (JEE) is being piloted at country level but there is no evaluation at provincial level. The project provinces are currently implementing APSED but skills are limited.
- Border provinces exchange information on CDC across border on monthly basis.
Cambodia has accomplished key outputs in cross border activities including sharing of information within cluster to Vietnam and Lao provinces. All pilot provinces shared CD data in Q1 and Q2 2016.
In Q3-2016, Takeo, Kampot, Kandal, Svay Rieng, Tbaung Khmum, Ratanakiri and Stung Treng province have regularly shared CD information on monthly basis.
- Targeted provinces exchange information on communicable diseases on weekly basis (Zero reporting)
The timeliness of Zero-report submission maintains high by 94% respectively in quarter 3-2016 and 85% as accumulative over 39 weeks since January 2016.
- Proportion of disease outbreaks reported within 24 hours: 100%
There are 21 outbreaks in Q3-2016 including 13 occurrence in project provinces. The aggregated number goes up to 49 nationwide since January till quarter 3, 2016. 100% of outbreaks are timely reported.
- Improved Lab Capacity in Project provinces
So far, CDC2 project has procured laboratory equipment, materials and reagents and have already delivered to the National Institute of Public health (NIPH), Technical School of Medical Care (TSMC) and 10 provincial hospitals (excluding Tbaung Khmum province):
For Preah Vihear Province:
Up to Q3-2016, many procurement items are rolling out for Malaria elimination in Preah Vihear province. 2 machines of Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) with Test kit (20,000 cases), Contract signed on 29 July 2016; 20 sets of Microscope on progress of Bid Evaluation. CDC2 AF project also currently recruit one international Consultant for SOP (QA/QC): on Progress of contract negotiation. Download
Standardized physical progress
- The physical progress of CDC2 (G0231) grows up to 84.07% against elapsed time of 84% and CDC2 AF (G0448) grows to 20.28% against elapsed time of 33%.
Progress by Outputs
- Functional MOH focal points and capacity for regional cooperation in CD.
CDC department announces several messages to the public through its website as following (1) Hotline number 115 to promote public calling to report any CD event; (2) alert information about dengue in 9 high risk provinces; and (3) Sign/symptom and prevention measure from seasonal flu.
- Regional cooperation and knowledge management.
CDC website is maintained and updated, Project webpage is integrated with CDC website. PCU regularly shares project progress report with stakeholders and public through uploading in project webpage, CDC website. In average, 500 visitors per month have accessed the website. CDC website links with other website such as MoH, US-CDC, RCU, WHO.
Cambodia has accomplished key outputs in cross border activity (1) Information sharing template is developed and agreed by the cross border country. CD data in Q1 and Q2, 2016 has been shared among countries using this template; (2) agreed to pilot cross border collaboration meeting planned to host 3 separated meeting in Ratanakiri, Svay Rieng and Kampot in late 2016.
- Targeted provinces in full compliance with IHR 2005/APSED 2011- 2015
Joint External Evaluation (JEE) is being piloted at country level but there is no evaluation at provincial level. The project provinces are currently implementing APSED but skills are limited. The key capacities already complied include for antimicrobial resistance, food safety, reporting, workforce development; but two remain particularly challenging: chemical events and radiation emergencies.
- Border provinces exchange information on CDC across border on monthly basis.
Cambodia has accomplished key outputs in cross border activities: (i) Information sharing template is developed and agreed by the cross border country. The template is used by all project provinces. CD data in Q1 and Q2, 2016 has been shared with Lao PDR and Vietnam. Download
• Standardized physical progress
The physical progress of CDC2 grows up to 82.10% against elapsed time of 80% and CDC2 AF grows to 10.53% against elapsed time of 16.5%.
• Cumulative EA expenditures
The total amount of $0.13 million is awarded in quarter 1, 2016; $0.98 million was spent in this quarter and $0.34 million among of them has been disbursed. The grand total of project expenditure is approximately to $8.4 million since the project start up in 2011.
• Progress by Outputs (1 or 2 main progress of each output)
• IHR communication by National IHR focal point to/from WHO IHR contact point
CDC department had two joint press releases with WHO to announce the public on Prevention of Food and Alcohol Poisoning during Khmer New Year and Information on Yellow Fever.
• Regional cooperation and knowledge management
PCU regularly has shared project progress report with stakeholders and public through uploading in project webpage, CDC website. In average, 12,000 visitors per month have accessed the website.
- Physical progress
GMS-CDC2 implementation is at 80.07% at 31 December 2015 compared with elapsed period of 76% since project effectiveness (22 March 2011, or, 57 months).
- Contract commitment and Disbursement
The total contract amount of $2.04 million is awarded in 2015 against $1.7 million in the projection for 2015 which corresponds to 120%. The actual contract amount is higher than annual projection because of mainly prolongation of procurement process across fiscal year 2014 such as Laboratory training materials, Lab equipment and consumables, other goods as well as recruitment of malaria elimination international expert. The amount of disbursement is only $1.31 million, seem to be low if compared with the annual projection ($3 million) because of delayed recruitment of suppliers of materials for latrine construction.
- Cumulative EA expenditures
The total amount of $1.00 million was spent in 2015 or approximately $8.45 million is accumulatively expensed since the project start up in early 2011.
- Regional cooperation and Knowledge management
In June 2015, CDCD published FAQ and fact sheet in both languages Khmer and English to absorb knowledge about MERS to the public through project website.
In June 2015, uploaded health advisory on MERS after a huge outbreak of this infection in South Korea. The advisory commonly focus on general prevention and reduce risk of infection.
Cambodia participated in Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA)for Leaders Malaria Elimination Road Map in Manila, Philippines on 9-10 July 2015.
MOH Cambodia conducted a Video Conference on MERS people awareness and measure with 13 Asian Health Ministers and 2 WHO, 27 July 2015.
Cambodia participated workshop on IHR implementation and cross border meeting in Danang, Vietnam on 29-30 October, 2015.
- Surveillance and Response
Promptly responded and investigation, and reported within 24 hours to all outbreaks in 25 provinces. The total 55 outbreaks occurred across the country infecting totally 1,673 residents including 1,002 women and girls. The total 45 people died (F: 21, IP: 0).
Supplementary lab procurement for 10 provinces, NIPH and TSMC as Lab consumable, Equipment for lab improvement, Lab reagent test, Lab training materials, and Rapid test (completion: 8 September 2015 - and carried forward into AOP 2016).
The Cam-EWARN web based surveillance is currently been rolled out and functioning across the country to support this activity
- Targeted disease control
Dengue fever, There are 15,412 cases (7,526 female) infected by dengue viruses within one year in 2015 across the country leaving 38 died (20 female). According to figure 4, the trend of weekly cases is notifiable higher than previous quarters from week 1 to week 52; however the cases per week remains lower than defined threshold of MEANS+2SD.
- Standardized physical progress
The standardized physical progress is 83%. The compares of weight progress of 78.44% with an elapsed period of 94.7% since project effectiveness (22 March 2011, or, 54 months).
- Contract commitment and Disbursement
The total amount of $0.23 million is awarded against $0.20 million committed to be awarded in quarter 3, 2015 which corresponds to 115%. The amount of disbursement is only $0.29 million, seem to be low if compared with the quarterly projection ($1 million).
- Cumulative EA expenditures
The total amount of $0.24 million was spent in this quarter or approximately $0.7 million is accumulatively expensed from January to September 2015 and totally $8 million since the project start up
- IHR communication by National IHR focal point to/from WHO IHR contact point
National IHR Focal Points has been accessible at all times for communications with the WHO IHR Contact Points. Several joint press releases have been made in quarter 3, 2015 such as Information on Measles elimination in the country, suspected case of Measles after elimination and lab confirmation on negativity.