The Ministry of Health (MOH) of Cambodia through the Second Health Sector Support Program (HSSP2) is pleased to submit to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) this 2nd Quarter 2013 Progress Report (Q2PR, Apr-Jun 2013) on implementation of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Second Regional Communicable Diseases Control Project (CDC2).
The Q2PR, 2013 details progress and achievements since the ADB Mid-term review (MTR) Mission (02-06 May 2013), discusses some constraints and challenges encountered and outlines next steps.
The MOH appreciates the satisfactory rating of project progress assessed by the ADB MTR mission, the agreements reached on areas to further work on and to, retain the current scope of the project in order to reach its development objectives.
In particular, for the results designed in CDC of national and regional relevance under the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005) and the focus areas and components of the Asia Pacific Strategy for Emerging Diseases (APSED, 2010).
The MOH wishes to reaffirm to ADB our commitment to implement CDC2 in an effective, efficient and timely manner in order to reach the planned results in 2013, and to project completion in 2015. Download Report