Phnom Penh, 27 October 2015: Confirmatory tests conducted on two serum samples by the World Health Organization (WHO) Reference Laboratory in Hong Kong have come back negative for measles.

Read more: Press Release: Measles cases found negative during confirmatory tests

Joint Press Release between the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the United Nation Children Funds (UNICEF)

Confirmation of one measles case after elimination of measles

One case of measles was confirmed in Kratie Province on 4 October according to laboratory tests conducted at the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) at a suspected case which was reported on 15 September.

Read more: PRESS RELEASE: Confirmation of one measles case after elimination of measles

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Read more: The AET Application Form and Course Announcement for Cohort 6 (2016)

Created: 29-June-2015 

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Created: 26-June-2015

- Frequently Aasked Quetsions on Middle East  Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus (MERS-CoV) | KH&ENG: Download

- Middle East  Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus (MERS-CoV) Fact Sheet | KH&ENG: Download