- Details
- Category: First cohort (2011)
- Published: 21 January 2014
- Last Updated: 21 January 2014
- Hits: 17690
First cohort (2011)
AET Officers:
1- Dr. Kham Samphos, Oddor Meanchey Province
2- Dr. Samuth Lima, Kratie Province
3- Dr. Tum Kimly, Takeo Province
4- MA. Heng Chantha, Kampot Province
5- Mr. Hok Bunheng, Preah Vihear Province
Field Supervisors:
1- Dr. Bun Sreng, Chief of Control and Prevention Bureau, CDC-MoH
2- Dr. Seng Heng, Chief of Disease Surveillance Bureau, CDC-MoH
3- Dr. Huy Rekol, Vice Chief of National Dengue Program, CNM
4- Dr. Som Leakhan, Deputy Chief of Technical Bureau, Kampong Speu
Provincial Health Department (Kg Speu PHD)
5- Dr. Has Phalmony, AET Technical Officer, CDC-WHO
6- Dr. Chea Nora, Technical Officer for Infection Prevention and Control
and ILI surveillance System, WHO
1- Dr. Paul Kitsutani, Influenza Advisor Coordinator, Cambodia/U.S. CDC
2- Dr. Nima Asgari, Public Health Specialist, ESR Team Leader, WHO
3- Dr. Maria Concecion Roces, AET Resident Advisor, WHO
AET Officers' outputs:
Surveillance Projects:
1- Evaluation of CamEWARN Weekly Reporting in Oddor Meanchey, 2011
2- Evaluation of CamEWARN Weekly Zero Reporting in Kratie Operational District, May 2011
3- Evaluation of Weekly Reporting of Severe Respiratory Infections by Hospitals in Takeo, 2011
4- Evaluation of ILI Surveillance in Kampot, 2011
5- Evaluation of Severe Respiratory Infection Reporting in CamEWARN System of Preah Vihear Province, May-June 2011
Outbreak investigations:
1- Acute Diarrhea Outbreak in Chheuteal Chrum Village, Kongpisey Operational District, Kampong Speu Province, June 2011
2- Human Avian Influenza (H5N1) Case Investigation-Kampong Cham, Cambodia, April 2011
3- Avian Flu investigation at Prasat Village, Prasat Commune,Kampong Trabek District, Prey Veng Province, June 9, 2011
4- Dengue Outbreak in Prey Phoum Village, Kanh Chriech Communce, Kanh Chriech District, Prey Veng Province, Cambodia, 2011
5- Investigation of Avian Influenza (H5N1) Case in Banteay Meanchey-July 2011
Poster presentations at TEPHINET 6th Biregional Scientific Conference
Bali, Indonesia, 09 to 10 November, 2011:
1- Title: Acute Diarrhea Outbreak in Chheuteal Chrum Village, Kongpisey Operational District, Kampong Speu Province, June 2011
2- Title: Dengue Outbreak in a Rural Village – Prey Veng Province, Cambodia, 2011
1- Title: Evaluation of Acute Diarrhea and Severe Respiratory Infection Weekly Reporting -- Oddor Meanchey Province, Cambodia, 2011
2- Title: Acute Diarrhea Outbreak in a Rural Village -- Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia, June 2011
3- Title: Evaluation of Weekly Reporting of Acute Diarrhea and Severe Respiratory Infections at Kratie Operational District – Kratie Province, Cambodia, June 2011
4- Title: Clinical and Epidemiologic Characteristics of Three Fatal Pediatric Human Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Cases -- Cambodia, 2011
5- Title: Evaluation of Weekly Reporting of Severe Respiratory Infections (SRI) by Referral Hospitals -- Takeo Province, Cambodia, April to May 2011
6- Title: Evaluation of Influenza-like Illness (ILI) Sentinel Surveillance -- Kampot Province, Cambodia, 2011
7- Title: Dengue Outbreak in a Rural Village – Prey Veng Province, Cambodia, 2011
8- Title: Evaluation of Severe Respiratory Infection Weekly Reporting -- Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia, 2011