- Details
- Category: HSP Project report
- Published: 19 September 2018
- Last Updated: 19 September 2018
- Hits: 4249
- Progress by Outputs
The physical progress includes achievement in this quarter is increased to 16.20% compares with 20% of the project elapse period (Counted from the date of receipt the advance deposit).
- Regional cooperation and CDC in border areas improved
In Q1-2018, Cambodia team has attended 1 regional events organized by ADB. Dr. Lo Veasnakiry project coordinator, country focal person of GMS working group on health cooperation attended 6th GMS submit in Hanoi, Vietnam from 29-31 March 2018 by using funding support from GMS health security project.
In Q2-2018, Cambodia attended 4 regional events organized by ADB and Myanmar in Q2-2018. (1) Dr. Lo Veasnakiry, Project Coordinator participate GMS Health Cooperation Writeshop organized by ADB on 23-25 April 2018 in Bangkok, (2) Project Manager meeting was organized on 10-11 May 2018 in Yangon, Myanmar with 5 participants (F:1) from Cambodia, (3) 4 delegates (F:2) joint regional workshop on laboratory on laboratory services and infection prevention control organized by ADB on 4-5 June in Mandalay, Myanmar, and (4) On 12-13 June 2018, 9 participants (F:2) attended Joint Simulation Exercise and cross border information sharing workshop which organized by ADB in Siem Reap province.
Cambodia agreed to prepare ToR for Regional Steering Committee based on lessons learnt from previous project (GMS CDC2) to be circulated for comments from LMV countries and ADB in Q3.